Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer begins!

Cole has technically has been out of school for a week now. He didn't have to go to his last week as he was done all his tests already. So his last day was Friday, June 18.

He has been a big help around the house and babysitting when needed. He had his first babysitting job over at his Aunt Niki and Uncle Darren's house babysitting his cousin Lucas who is 18 months old (Cole has only ever babysat for us so far). He was pretty excited to go babysit. I told him to call me as I would be home if he needed help. He never called and he said it went well (Lucas napped most the time). So I was relieved that it all went well ha ha!

Tyson's last day is today (Monday, June 28). He only went to school to pick up the rest of his stuff and to give his teacher her card and gift. Funny thing is is that his teacher wasn't there...she had a sub ha ha!!

And so Summer begins for us...please let it be good, please let the kids behave, please give me the patients I need to survive the summer =)

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