Monday, November 15, 2010

It only took moments...

Yes, I know, as you come onto my blog I already have Christmas music either turn it up or mute it if you like ha ha! Cringe away people, but I LOVE IT!!!

This morning I was in a great mood and decided to try to make some Christmas gifts. I had Christmas music playing and all was good in my world...that is, until I heard Brynley laughing her mischievous laugh...I KNEW she was doing something NAUGHTY

She had taken these beautiful roses Kent had given me for my Birthday...

and this is what I found in my room...

Brynley had massacred my roses and threw them all over our room...AND pulled our laundry out and mixed rose petals into our laundry baskets... 

 As you can see she was dancing away and quite pleased with herself. I stood there starring at her and I thought I have 2 choices here...either lose it and get mad (like I wanted too) OR go get my camera and document the situation as it is what it is! As you can see, I chose to get the camera out and take pictures LOL...I calmed down and made her help me clean it all up.
As we were cleaning up the pedals she kept kissing them saying, "mmmwhhaaa"! 

I tell ya, it was a LOOONG day today...but, she is alive and well and so am I...ha ha!


Gayla Woolf Holt said...

Bwhaha! You are a super mommy to just take the pictures and insist she help you clean it up!
Love you both! Love the MUSIC!!

Lynn said...

About the Christmas Music........are you kidding me?? I absolutely LOVE it. Been listening to your play list over and over again for hours. LOL!

And you inspire me to get on the ball and change the background on my blog too. Fall is SOoooo OVER!

Oh and about your roses and that cute little one......
what your mom said. LOL!