Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Swing set and friends

I have been searching for a swing set on Kijiji for a few months now. And I am happy to say I FINALLY found one that was a reasonable price and what we were looking for.

Kent and I went into Calgary on Friday and picked it up in the rain. It wasn't in pieces like we thought it would be...thank goodness! The guy had taken it apart in 3 big pieces for us.
 Kent called his brother Jeff to come over and help him put it together Saturday morning. Cole and Tyson helped as well. All the kids were anxioulsy waiting for them to finish so they could play. 

In the bottom right picture you can see Bryn had climbed up the ladder and went down the slide as they were still putting it all together...she just couldn't wait any longer ha ha!

Poor Nathaniel and Izabella (our foster kids) aren't allowed to go on the trampoline so we knew we needed to get this swing set up A.S.A.P so they had something to play on in the back yard.
  Our new to us swing set.

It has a slide, 2 swings, monkey bars, trapeze bars to hang from and mini picnic table under the fort/slide part of the swing set.

We were at Home Depot and saw this cute pirate wheel and pirate telescope with a compass on it to attach to the swing set...the kids LOVE it!! 

 Pirate wheel and Telescope and compass

They are on it every second they can be. Bryn and Nate woke up Sunday morning around 7:00 a.m. asking if they could go out and play on in ha ha. I said no as it was too early and we needed to get ready for church...they were seriously disappointed!

Some friends from our ward that live out in Crossfield were out for a walk and came over to play. They have 4 little kids...2 boys and 2 girls. Nate had a great time with the boys and they ran all over the yard and on the swing set playing Pirates.  

Brynley, Bella and the other 2 girls had so much fun together as well. They played and played and there was so much was great to hear and watch!

 Tyson and Emmalina sitting at the picnic table being silly together.
 How cute are they...I love these pics of them.

Tyson was SO, SO good with all the kids. They kept calling him their babysitter ha ha!
Emmalina and Brynley going down the slide together.  

Note Brynley's outfit...rubber boots, shorts and a long sleeved pull over fleece hoodie...can you tell her Dad got her dressed today :) She didn't care as she was having a GREAT time!


Gayla Woolf Holt said...

This is so so great! Fun and more fun!

Lynn said...

Now THAT'S a Swing set!! Nice!

P.S. How come the foster children are allowed on a swing set but not a trampoline? Is this just a house rule or a policy with the foster program?

Barb Stanford said...

Child Welfare doesn't want the foster kids on the trampoline as it is "too dangerous." And they haven't said anything about the swing who knows?!

Angela said...

Love the new swingset. You are a good mom for finding one and you've got a good husband who will go pick it up and put it together. I often feel the same way as you about friends (from your previous post). I wish I had more and that I wasn't always the one calling them to set things up. I feel very fortunate to have 4 daughters who are my friends.